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Can’t I be a Christian and not belong to a church?
No. If you are a believer, the Holy Spirit made you CONNECTED to other
And he gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists the shepherds and
teachers, 12 to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the
body of Christ, (Eph. 4:11, 12):
What are the reasons for joining the Orchard Church?
How does the Orchard help me mature as a member of the family of God?
You grow as a member when you serve in ministries and help your Orchard family function in a
biblical way. The role of each member is to serve the body of Christ in the local church. And the
role of the church is to equip its members to honor Christ by effectively using their spiritual gifts.
With membership, the mission of e3 is to love others (engage) by our interaction, teach others
(equip) the word of God by our instruction, and serve others by our ministry (empower).
When our mission is successfully achieved, ministries will produce gifted members to carry out
the purpose of the church. It will produce fruit that causes spiritual growth in them which then
creates effective ministries.
Jesus commands his disciples to be disciple makers. This means all believers are called to grow
up in Christ and help others grow up as well. You are a vital component of the body of Christ at the Orchard. We need your part to help our body function correctly and be spiritually healthy!
You were uniquely placed in this church body to serve Christ and others. Your spiritual gift
assigned to you by the Holy Spirit is not an accident but is God’s perfect design to support the
church body. As believers, we must learn how to use our spiritual gifts to encourage one another